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Planning Board Minutes 04/23/07
Greenfield, NH Planning Board
April 23, 2007
Minutes taken by Myron Steere

Members Present:  Chairman Carrara, Borden, Halper, O’Connell, Alternates Allen and Steere.
Meeting opened at 7:07 PM

Chairman Carrara designated alternate member Allen to act in absent member Morris’s place and alternate member Steere to act in absent member Fletcher’s place.

The minutes from the 3/26/07 were read aloud by Halper.  Halper moved to accept the minutes with the following changes:
Page 1 (Laguerre Lot) First paragraph – change “Several years ago …” to “Several months ago …”
Page 1 (Laguerre Lot) First paragraph – change “At some point the town mixed up the records.” to “At some point the records were mixed up.”
Page 2 (Wilco Holdings) Item 2 – change “Al Burton” to “Al Burtt”
Page 4 (PSNH) last paragraph change “George rainier” to “George Rainier”
Page 4 (Other Business) New Member Appointments second paragraph change “Karla Adams” to “Karla Allen”

Seconded.  All members were in favor.

Peter Hopkins (Code Enforcement) was recognized and commented that the BOS requested a time to discuss the Laguerre matter with the Board.  A time was set for May 14th  at 7:00 PM.

Continuation of Major Subdivision Application by Belmore Heirs on Cornwell Road
The continued public hearing opened at 7:30 PM. Member Borden disqualified himself because he is an abutter. Carrara read aloud the portion of the 3/26/07 minutes regarding the previous session on the subdivision application.  Mrs. Adele Hale gave the Chairman legal documents on 1) the proposed septic easement and 2) the proposed driveway maintenance agreement.  Mr. Todd spoke for Mrs. Hale regarding the plan.

The Board reviewed the list of deficiencies from the previous meeting and after going through the check list found the following plat items still need resolution –
Statement of compliance with zoning and subdivision regulations.
Statement as to the setting of monuments.

Mrs. Hale spoke to the soundness of the legal documents mentioned earlier.  Mr. Todd pointed out and discussed the plan.  There were no public comments, but two letters were received concerning the plan – 1) from former Selectman Conrad Dumas expressing concerns on the placement of septic for one lot on an abutting lot and 2) from former Selectman George Rainier expressing similar concerns on the septic issue and that a four lot subdivision was better than the proposed five lot subdivision; additionally noting areas in the subdivision regulations that should be consider in this situation.

Resident Mike Borden pointed out that the height of the proposed “off site” septic system would need to be raised approximately five feet above the current land elevation.  Mr. Todd commented that it might require that a “pump-up’ system be designed.  Further discussion on the five lot subdivision configuration included –
concerns on the various septic issues as noted earlier,
minimum lot requirements and configuration,
the significant amount of wetlands on the property,
concerns regarding the rights of future owners, etc.

Moved by Steere to not consider the subdivision until each lot has on site septic.
Seconded and passed - four in favor with Carrara abstaining.

Mr. Todd asked the Board to consider waiving the 15 foot from property line rule for the driveway on lot 25-1-5.  The Board discussed the issue.

Moved by Halper to waive the 15 foot driveway distance from the property line requirement  to a ten foot distance.  Seconded and passed – four in favor with Carrara abstaining.

Public hearing closed at 8:20 PM. The application process is continued to Monday, May 21, 2007 at 7:30 PM.

Continuation of Major Subdivision Application by Wilco Holdings, LLC on Francestown Road
The continued public hearing opened by Chairman Carrara at 9:00 PM. Chairman Carrara read aloud the portion of the 4/9/07 minutes regarding the previous session on the subdivision application.   Dawn Tuomala from Monadnock Survey spoke for Matt Harwood of Wilco Holdings.

Mr. Bob Lingrind of the Francestown Planning Board was present.  He had attended the start of the site walk since the property abuts the town boundary.  Chairman Carrara asked Mr. Lingrind to comment on his attendance.  Mr. Lingrind noted that he was attending personally not as a Francestown Planning Board member and to reflect on his comments accordingly.  He discussed the normal process and reasons for notifying abutting towns concerning Planning Board hearings/issues on impact and/or location of property that might impact a neighboring town – noting he saw no major town issues with the subdivision under hearing.

Mr. Lingrind further commented on the subdivision:
Water lines and usage with the source being Indian Spring in Francestown
Wild life corridors passing through the area
15% grade on lots with frontage on route 136 (steep slopes)
Notification of Francestown Planning Board should be considered.

At this point – Selectman Adams arrived to discuss concerns on properly locating the water line servicing the property.  He expressed concerns and the need for the line to be located and properly mapped for the protection of both the properties with water rights and the properties that the line passed through to ensure there were no future problems.

Dawn Tuomala addressed the comments:
Wild life should not be disturbed by three houses on 16+ acres
The 15% grade should not be a problem since the State of NH allows a 25% limit
Water lines are placed as described in recorded deeds and to find the line may be as excessive expense for the property owner

The Board discussed the various issues and the Chairman commented that he thought it would be helpful to properly locate the water line.  The Board informally agreed.

Concerning the notification of  the Francestown Planning Board –
Steere moved to notify the Francestown Planning Board concerning the subdivision hearing process underway on the town boundary.  Seconded with all in favor. Carrara will send letter this week.

Dawn Tuomala with the concurrence of Matt Harwood (Wilco Holdings) expressed concern and would like to ask Selectman and ex-officio  Planning Board member Adams to disqualify himself.

Public hearing closed at 10:05 PM. The application process is continued to Monday May 21, 2007 at 8:30 PM.

Preliminary Conceptual Consultation with Mr. Charles Robitaille on Coach Road.  Discussion opened at 10:06 PM (scheduled for 9:30 PM) the Chairman apologized to Mr. Robitaille and thanked him for his patience.

Mr. Robitaille wishes to subdivide his five acre property on Coach Road into two lots – one with his house and a separate building lot.  The property is in the General Residential Zone.  The Board reviewed the issues with Mr. Robitaille and the Chairman described the process to follow – application, check list, etc.  Discussion ended at 10:25 PM.

Letter from Attorney Richard Fernald concerning the Kokal
Letter from Attorney Mark Fernald on Laguerre property
Email from David Crane of PSNH
Memo from Debra Davidson Re: FEMA Flood Plain Ordinance

Halper moved to adjourn at 10:40 PM; all in favor.